Vice Principal Message

SMT. RUCHI SHRIVASTAVA : Vice Principal (Central Public School, Lalitpur)

    Central Public School is not just another school. It follows a different school of thought and in the times to come will vouch for it. It is a significant education system and institution where no student is ever rejected , where every action and thought is student oriented , where personal attention to every student is ensured , experimentation and innovation are key words in the school philosophy and where “learning by doing “ is the technique that is followed. A smart shift from “developing memory skills “to knowledge management skills” are the need of the hour and the obvious focus of Central Public School . In the coming times students need to learn,access, index , retrieve, analyze and use information. Central Public School is, therefore , committed to enriching students with various soft skills apart from a judicious mix of academics , sports and cocurricular activities that lead to happier and successful lives . At Central Public School, children are considered spark of divinity ,and teaching as dedicated service toward divinity.Synthesis of spiritual values and modern technology is the approach here . “Under claim over perform” has been our policy. I assure the society of Lalitpur as a whole that our endeavor at Central Public School is to prepare students for life with a mind that reasons, the right attitude and a spirit of goodness backed by solid academic excellence.